Bonded by Blood

Exiled to Earth 2010

1 Tech Non-Prog Thrash
Review by Time_Signature published
Tech Non-Prog Thrash

"This album is friggin' awsome. Firstly, the lyrical concept is about a race of aliens who invade Earth 600 years in the future, with underground forces of humans taking up the battle against the aliens in a world of droids, aliens, laser guns and bio-cybernetic technology. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!? It's awsome! Sci-fi thash metal!

Musically, Bonded By Blood deliver a solid type of thrash metal with several retro elements - the vocalist, "Aladdin" Barrales, for instance, sounds like a hybrid of Paul Baloff, Sean Killian and Russ Anderson. However, compared to a lot of early thrash metal, Bonded By Blood's music is more technical and also a bit more brutal than many of their fellow retro thrash metal colleagues.

There is not a lot of variation across the tracks on the album... but, hey, who needs that? This is thrash metal!

Warmly recommended to any fan of thrash metal.

(review originally posted on"

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