The Sparks United States

Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Lil' Beethoven 2002
Propaganda 1974
Kimono My House 1974
Halfnelson [Aka: Sparks] 1971
Hello Young Lovers 2006
B: Great
A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip 2020
Hippopotamus 2017
Exotic Creatures Of The Deep 2008
The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte 2023
Franz Ferdinand & Sparks: Ffs 2015
No.1 In Heaven 1979
Big Beat 1976
C: Good
Gratuitous Sax & Senseless Violins 1994
Whomp That Sucker 1981
Introducing Sparks 1977
Indiscreet 1975
A Woofer In Tweeter's Clothing 1972
The Seduction Of Ingmar Bergman 2009
Angst In My Pants 1982
D: Decent
Balls 2000
In Outer Space 1983
Terminal Jive 1980
E: Mediocre
Music That You Can Dance To 1986
Pulling Rabbits Out Of A Hat 1984
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Hello Young Lovers 2006
4 Humorous Creative Non-Prog Chamber Pop/Rock
Lil' Beethoven 2002
2 Prog Rock
Balls 2000
Big Beat 1976
Propaganda 1974
2 Playful Quirky Prog Art Rock/Pop
Kimono My House 1974
3 Playful Quirky Prog Art Rock/Pop
Sparks 1971
Halfnelson [Aka: Sparks] 1971
1 Prog Rock