Grobschnitt Germany

Review by Dirk published

"I know it's a live album but IMO it defines Grobschnitt as a band more than any of their studio albums.

It's a great album one of the best i know. It's also a very accessible album. I loved it from the second time i listened to it, most progrock albums take a lot longer to digest for me.

The album is essentially an hour long structured jam. Subtle quiet passages are mixed with explosions of floydian guitar duels (Muhlheim special and Otto pancrock) and keybord sounds (Golden mists).

If i had to name an album which resembles this one i would say Live side Umma Gumma especially Careful with that axe Eugene.

I recommend this album to people who like Pink Floyd and people starting in prog. It certainly encouraged me to explore the genre further."

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Releases (Newest First)
Acoustic Album 2022
1 Symph Prog Rock
Last Party - Live Live, 1989
Fantasten 1987
Sonnentanz - Live Live, 1985
Razzia 1982
Illegal 1981
Volle Molle Live, 1980
Solar music - live 1978
7 Epic Prog Space Rock
Rockpommel's Land 1977
5 Warm Symph Prog Rock
Jumbo 1975
Ballermann 1974
3 Humorous Quirky Prog Space Rock
Grobschnitt 1972
4 Playful Complex Prog Rock