Review by Windhawk published

"The Gemini Project is a rather odd musical project. As far as I can tell from the information on the band's homepage - - this is a one man band based in Germany. "I" is the first of several albums released by the artist; and they are all unavailable in any store. To get a chance to listen to the music you have to download it from the band's homepage. The odd part is that it is all for free. The artist would like some feedback on the music, but nothing else.

Musically the first release from this project is slightly confusing. All the tracks here twists and turns from one mood to the next, often covering different types of styles in one song; as well as covering different styles in each of the seven songs on this release.

The album starts out with a track dominated by ambient industrial themes, the second track starts out as some sort of ambient techno track before venturing back and forth between that mood, ambient moods and more hard rock inspired moods.

The third track here sounds like Kate Bush inspired music once it gets going, while the fourth song is a very jazz-tinged number. On the fifth track the track moves back and forth between ambient and mellow rock, before ending in a prog metal inspired territory, the sixth track starts and ends with Tangerine Dream inspired music with a prog metal inspired section in the middle, while the seventh and last track moves back and forth between funky sounding guitar based themes and big, epic synth-based soundscapes.

Much more could be said about each and every song here; my notes from listening through this album thoroughly are extensive to put it mildly, but the above descriptions should give some general clues as to what musical landscapes you'll find here. Main instrument is the synths though, and trademark sound for the album are the vocals - that sound enhanced, and mixed so that they sound like they come from a distance.

All of this is excellently done too, the production quality on this digital only release is better than on many regular, commercial albums.

All the songs on this release sound good as well. Each song moves back and forth between moods with ease, none of the themes are overexplored or repeated needlessly, and all the songs have a unique sound to them clearly identifying them as songs from one particular band. The moods and the themes are interesting and intriguing to listen to as well.

Overall this is a highly interesting release, and a very good one too. So head over to the homepage of The Gemini Project; and start listening yourself. If you think this sounds like music for you."

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