Review by Time_Signature published

"Enter Dimesland, a progressive band who explore the darker and more aggressive possibilities for expression in the world of metal music. And on this EP, which is entitled Creepmoon , they make no buts about their their approach to music.

Appearing to draw on the likes of Realm, Watchtower and Atheist, rather than Dream Theater and Fates Warning, Dimesland's music on this EP comes across as being quite aggressive, which is further intensified by the occurrence of blastbeats, dissonance and tremolo picking à la black metal. Virtually every track, with the exception of the noise-based soundscape piece 'The Degradation Suite' is a flurry of mind-boggling riffs and dynamic drum patterns, and, as such, we are dealing with technically quite advanced and complex music, which appears incredibly chaotic. Still, it does not take mane spins before you realize that there is indeed order to the chaos, and that every single movement is carefully timed, and, once you get to that point, you will, I think, be able to really appreciate this music and all the ways in which it challenges the listener.

The production is not exactly polished, and especially the drums have a refreshing organic sound to them, and, in terms of musicianship, it goes without saying that the Dimesland guys are skilled musicians – you'd simply have to be in order to be able to pull this sort of technically music off.

The deceivingly chaotic feel of the music in this EP, in conjunction with the elements from extreme metal, makes it considerably challenging, and perhaps it will not appeal to all listeners, but if you are into the technical style associated with acts like Realm and Watchtower, then chances are that you will really enjoy this EP, too.

(review originally posted at"

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