Review by Time_Signature published

"What are genres for? They are there to be transgressed. At least, that is the answer that Sulaco's "Build and Burn" release would give you. While firmly rooted in the universe of metal - well extreme metal - "Build and Burn" cannot really be placed in any of the traditional extreme metal genres. I mean there are loads of blastbeats, to be sure, and other elements from grindcore, and the album is also rich in death metal aesthetics. On top of that you can add the tempos and and sound from thrash metal, the yelled vocals from hardcore, the mind-boggling time signatures from mathcore and the grooves and attitudes of sludge metal as well as the overall sideways approach to songwriting of progressive and technical music in general. Thus each tune on the album is quite complex in structure and rich in impressions, as it bombards the listener with a flurry of different types of riffs, tempos and time signatures - indeed, the album is so full of quirks that a fan of progressive extreme music will absolutely love it, while fans of more mainstream music probably cannot even begin to fathom let alone appreciate the intricacies of this album. And what is really interesting is that the production itself is actually not very polished but has a raw and primitive aspect to it, which ensures that, while technical and experimental, "Build and Burn" retains the attitude and expressivity of extreme music. Fans of extreme progressive and technical metal and also progressive sludge metal should definitely check out this gem of a record. (review originally posted at"

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