Review by Time_Signature published

"The style on Dead By Wednesday's "The Last Parade" is a type of modern crossover metal which combines hardcore, metalcore and thrash metal, and this blend is sprinkled with elements from other types of metal music such as melodeath, speed metal and more traditional heavy metal. People who consider themselves true metalheads may be please to know that the metalcore elements are not dominant on this release, being delimited to harsh typical metalcore vocals and breakdowns - and there are not too many of those either plus Dead By Wednesday's breakdowns in this release are more creative and innovative than what many metalheads associate with metalcore. The hardcore and thrash, or crossover-thrash really, aspect of this album is much more prominent. From hardcore, the album inherits loads of street attitude, song length and riot backing vocals - as well as certain riff-styles. The rest is all out thrash metal, drawing on different types of thrash metal ranging from modern groove thrash over technical thrash and mid-tempo thrash to old school speed metal (the track "Rat" is an interesting combination of speed metal and hardcore punk). Regardless of which thrash metal style the band draw on, one thing is for certain: the riffs are always solid and quite awesome. The musicianship is quite high, and Dead By Wednesday allow a lot of melody onto the release, too, and there are even a couple of pretty impressive guitar solos. "The Last Parade" should appeal to fans of crossover and more regular thrash metal, and any fan of thrash-oriented metal and metalcore should definitely check it out. (review originally posted at"

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