Review by Time_Signature published

"The two songs on this EP by Swedish Portrait are actually quite good, I think. We are dealing with good old traditional heavy metal. The two tracks draw - and this is probably a conscious move by the band - on recognizable elements from 70s and 90s metal.

The title track, for instance, contains elements that remind me of Mercyful Fate (mainly the vocals), Iron Maiden (the use of galloping guitars and twin leads) and AC/DC (the use of boogie rock riffage as part of the bridge) as well as many other recognizable metal elements. And I must say, it works brilliantly.

The other track, "Son of All Graves" is more of a power metal-inspired affair which also contains references to Mercyful Fate and some King Diamond-esque riffage, too.

The two tracks are brilliant, and this EP is recommended to anyone who likes good ole solid heavy metal.

(Review originally posted on"

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