
The Fish Who Wanted To Be King 2023

7 Laid Back Melodic Prog Rock/Metal
added over 1 year ago by Rivertree
"A long way from their early metal roots, much more standard rock. Some good tracks, some a little bland. Melodic but middling." (bartyMJ, , 11d ago)
"Lovers of straight rock music with sing along character will get their money's worth either way. But the same goes for the Prog connoisseur who is keen on elaborated arrangements and virtuoso instrumental outworking." (Rivertree, , 1y ago, full review)
Expert Users: Rivertree
Review by Rivertree published about 1 year ago, edited about 1 year ago
Heavy Prog Rock

"This is continuing the narrative from the previous brilliant 'Paint The Sky' album. Not an easy task, but French composer and keyboarder Vivien Lalu is capable of holding up that niveau. At least, if not more, time will tell. Just maintain a successfully running system. The recording line up has only slightly changed, by adding keyboarder Matt Daniel, who is contributing some Hammond and piano parts, as well as spacy synths. You will enjoy the allmighty Damian Wilson again on the lead vocals. Splendid musicianship is half the battle, right? The other half is required by the quality of the compositions. And so lovers of straight rock music with sing along character will get their money's worth either way. But the same goes for the Prog connoisseur who is keen on elaborated arrangements and virtuoso instrumental outworking."

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