
Let The Truth Speak 2023

7 Passionate Cinematic Prog Post Metal/Rock
added by rushfan4
"One of the highlights of 2023 - extreme, but very well-rounded and melodic, and quite eclectic as well." (Mike, , )
"The compositions are epic, multi-variant. And technically seen this comes from a very high level too." (Rivertree, , , full review)
Review by Rivertree published
Melodic Prog Post Metalcore

"A new Progressive Post Metal revelation. Already being hooked on the band's spectacular 2015 debut I honestly couldn't expect any further move, increase. But here we go, they really did it. Alongside with several guests, especially vocalists, carefully hired in order to embellish the particular tracks. No filler. The compositions are epic, multi-variant. And technically seen this comes from a very high level too."

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