Thirteen of Everything

Time and Other Delusions 2023

4 Symph Prog Rock
added by rushfan4
"The album could have been a big hit, nevertheless they missed to be careful enough, this would have deserved a professional producer, who might eliminate some weaknesses." (Rivertree, , , full review)
"Sloppy timing, especially between drums and bass - that is unfortunately the downfall of this release. Otherwise it is quite decent, albeit often heard prog rock fare." (Mike, , )
Review by Rivertree published , edited
Symph Prog Rock

"Excellent compositions are generally promising great entertainment value here. Keyboards and guitars are exceptional. The album could have been a big hit. Nevertheless they missed to be careful enough. This would have deserved a professional producer, who will eliminate some weaknesses, especially when it comes to the drumming. Too bad."

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