Ice Age

Waves of Loss and Power 2023

7 Melodic Neo Prog Metal/Rock
added by rushfan4
"Progressive in the true sense of the word. I really appreciate the quartet's tricky and powerful presence throughout." (Rivertree, , , full review)
Review by Rivertree published , edited
Prog AOR/Metal

"Progressive in the true sense of the word. Round about one hour of splendid heavy prog with metal leanings from the States. This third album comes like a surprise, because the recent one saw the light of day already a while ago in 2001. I really appreciate the quartet's tricky and powerful presence throughout."

Review by Mike published
Neo Prog Metal

"Ice Age were one of my favorite bands as I was re-discovering progressive music in the early 2000s. It's great to see them back in the ring in 2023, after a long hiatus. However, as solid as this is, the music is not as inspired as their original two albums. It all flows nicely, but they removed some of the edges that made them an acquired taste, and I happened to like those edges ..."

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