Dream Theater

When Dream And Day Unite 1989

25 Lively Tech Prog Metal/Rock
added by Mike
Review by Time_Signature published
Prog Metal

""When Dream and Day Unite" is the the debut album of progressive metal giants Dream Theater. While there had been technical and progressive metal acts before Dream Theater (Portnoy himself quotes Watch Tower, Fates Warning, Iron Maiden, and Mercyful Fate), and while this album undoubtedly is a rough ride, I think it does show that Dream Theater were innovative musicians, and that the band was something special. "When Dream and Day Unite" is musically interesting, and there is a lot of good stuff on it, the production is not very good (too 80s with reverb on virtually everything), and I also think that they keyboards are too prominent - both in the mix and compositionwise.

But, an interesting album, and one that should be in any progressive metal album collection.

(review also posted on metalmusicarchives.com)"

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