
And So It Came to Pass 2012

1 Non-Prog Death
Review by Time_Signature published
Non-Prog Death

"Pure, unadulterated death metal with a very strong British musical identity, Dyscarnate could very well be the next Bolt Thrower or Benediction. At least on this, their sophomore album, on which they deliver the death metal goods.

The ten tracks are rich in strong riffs, and the juxtaposition of heavy and midpaced sections and furious blastbeat sections generates a certain dynamism. Especially the heavier parts and the midtempo parts are headbanging-friendly and, in many ways, And So it Came to Pass is the perfect soundtrack for moshpit action. While production is up-to-date, and the overall sound is that of modern metal, there definitely is a classic death metal sensibility, and fans of Bolt Thrower and Morta Skuld will probably like this release.

The musicianship is top notch and everything is kept extremely tight throughout the entire album, and the guttural vocals suit the music perfectly. I do miss some guitar solos, though, as they would add a further dimension of variation to this album.

Slamming and heavy death metal with a touch of brutality, Dyscarnate's And So It Came to Pass shows that classic death metal is alive and (ass)kicking. Recommended to fans of old school brutal death metal.

(review originally posted at seaoftranquility.org)"

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