Niels Vejlyt

Sthenic 2011

1 Prog Metal
Review by Time_Signature published
Prog Metal

""Oh no, not another egocentric shredder", you might say to yourself when learning about this release by guitarist Niels Vejlyt, "all technique and not feel!".

Well, you would actually be wrong. Granted there is shredding, sweeping and all those advanced guitar techniques, on this album. However, Vejlyt, unlike some other guitar shredders on the same label, has a lot of feel in his playing, and there are plenty of simple and memorable lead melodies in addition to the impressive soloing.

What's more, the rhythm section is actually taken seriously on this release. First off, the rhythm guitar often plays some rhythmically interesting and groovy parts, reflecting that Vejlyt knows that guitar playing is as much about rhythm as it is about soloing. Also, the drums and bass are not just some cheaply programmed midi-sounding simple background music. No, they have substance and are allowed to contribute to the overall sound of the music (never taking over from the guitar, of course).

Apart from the more mellow 'Heads Up' and 'Kasja' as well as the introduction to 'Winter', we are dealing with an all out metal release with heavy guitars, double bass drums and a lot of progressive metal elements. I really like who this, despite being a shredding album, is essentially holistic rock music.

A lot of shredder music appeals to guitarists only, but I think that this release will both impress guitarists and appeals to non-musician fans of rock music and heavy metal.

(review originally posted at"

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