
Day of Reckoning 2011

1 Non-Prog Thrash
Review by Time_Signature published
Non-Prog Thrash

"There's The Big Four and there's The Teutonic Three, and Destruction is one of the Teutonic Three (Sodom and Kreator being the two others). And just like German cars and German ham, German thrash metal is something you just cannot live without once you've tried it.

The music on this album is aggressive, technical but still simple enough that most people will be able to follow it, and full of energetic and classic riffs galore. It's simply good old German thrash: awesome! It certainly goes right to my old school heart.

The limited edition version also contains a really good cover version of Dio's "Stand Up and Shout".

There really isn't a lot to say about this album other than "If you, like me' are a fan of old school thrash metal, go and buy it"!

(review originally posted on"

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