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"Symphonic metal can be very good, I think, if the symphonic elements contribute something to the music. I think that Dimmu Borgir and The Bridal Procession utilize symphonic elements very efficiently on "Abrahadabra" and "Astronomical Dimensions" respectively. However, if the symphonic elements do not really add anything interesting to the music, we often end up with pretentious and very cheesy dredge.
I think that Battlelore's "Doombound" falls under the latte category. The rock/metal aspect of the music on this album is not bad - it is very much standard modern metal which draws on power metal, melodeath and gothic metal. But I do not think that the use of keyboards and symphonic elements add anything. It is almost like these elements are just there to be there. They do not even make the music sound epic or anything.
The vocals are horrible. The female vocals are weak and boring and totally uninteresting and do not belong in rock music at all. The male vocals are just annoying, and regardless if they're growled, yelled, screamed or sung in a rough rock music fashion, they just come off as sounding stupid.
Hardcore fans of symphonic metal might enjoy this album. Personally, I think it fails. It shows that keyboards, symphonic instrumentation, and female vocals in themselves do not make for good symphonic metal.
(review originally posted on"