De Lirium's Order

Morbid Brains EP, 2003

1 Tech Non-Prog Death/Thrash
Review by Time_Signature published
Tech Non-Prog Death/Thrash

"I am not sure whether I think this is more death metal or thrash metal, but I am inclined to considering this EP primarily a technical death metal in the vein of Megalomania 999. There certainly are thrash metal elements on this album, such as the opening riff of "Abomination", and "The Sounds of Mutilation" is mostly a thrash metal song, while "Through the Eyes of a Murderer", the bulk of "Abomination" and "Masterpiece of a Morbid Mind" are technical death metal songs with some similarities to Death and Obscura (without ever being as technical as either of them).

There are a lot of guitar things on this album, including a lot of impressive riffage and virtuosic guitar solos, and that certainly is enough reason to check out this EP. I am not too keen on the vocals, which strike me as being monotonic run-of-the-mill death metal growling.

This EP should appeal to fans of technical thrash and death metal.

(review originally posted on"

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