
The Size of the Matter Single

Supreme1 Thrash
released in 2010
added over 14 years ago by Time_Signature
Review by Time_Signature published over 14 years ago
Supreme Tech Thrash

"Watchtower - the godfathers of progressive metal and technical thrash metal - are back! "The Size of the Matter" is an almost five minutes long track, but, with all the twists and turns going on, it seems much longer.

the complexity is there, but, compared to "Energetic Disassembly" and "Control and Resistance", this track seems much more compact; this may be due to a much tighter production in which there is more substance to the guitars, which always struck me as sounding a bit too thin (almost athmospheric) on the two aforementioned albums. There is also a certain groove to this track and some influences from power metal and, perhaps, even a The Swans type of post punk.

The singer, Allan Tecchio, who's now been fired (which means a delay in the release of "Mathematics"), does a great job on this album; he does not venture that much into the high register, but there is a certain roughness to his voice that suits the music very well.

(review originally posted on"

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