1 Noisy Prog Rock
added by DamoXt7942
Review by DamoXt7942 published
Noisy Prog Rock

"As I put my impression into a phrase, they are exactly "very warm rock gang tinged with a bit of psychedelic flavour and a spice of grunge taste, less progressive colour and no flattery".

Well you know the first exploded sound bomb can surprise you completely, and...what a funky and funny development! At the next moment you should laugh out at their funky sounds and voices with industrially-crashed guitar solo. Yeah the key essence of their musical style has come around you immediately. Of course not only this but also violently loud and speedy kicks hit your brain directly - such a grunge texture should be very important for them in this album. From the beginning many kinds of taste - bitter, salty, spicy, sweet and delicious - can pop up like a cracker bonbon with various colours of tape. Through the album, you can find lots of faces and appearances from YURAYURA's inner mind. In this work are simply bluesy rock songs or psychedelically relaxed ballad as well. The songs especially I'd like to emphasize are the sixth track Tsukinuketa and the tenth Evil Car . The former is stuffed with typical textbooks of loudly grunge-tinged guitar explosion and obscure shouts in only one minute - exactly psychedelic and industrial brain knocker I feel. And the latter should be, with a rumbling and trailing guitar solo and lazy crazy freaky voices, defined as a psychedelic progressive rock song in my opinion. This song is full of psychedelic elements as above mentioned, in over 9 minutes. Indeed pity that the whole album is not covered such a psychedelic progressive veil so I cannot call them psychedelic progressive rock outfit, but enough full stomach only to be caught in a shower with colourful and fruitful rock elements.

Over 20 years they are active and aggressive. This album is exactly the origin of their swinging (Yurayura)."

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