
American Soldier 2009

12 Aggressive Prog Metal
added by colt2112
"A decent album from start to finish. No surprises, nothing unique or out of the ordinary, but it is solid for the most part." (J-Man, )
Review by Time_Signature published
Melancholic Prog-Adj Metal

"True, this album does not reach the standard of the Queensrÿche classics of the 80s and 90s - and it probably is not intended to be like those albums, given that Queensrÿche tend to reinvent their sound very often.

However, it does contain some elements that are reminiscent of some of the stuff found on albums like "Rage for Order", "Operation: Mind Crime", and "Empire" in the form of a couple of solid hard rocking riffs every now and then. It also seems to have some of the same dark atmosphere found on "The Promised Land", which suits the lyrical content quite well. It's no "Hear in the Now Frontier" either - fortunately - but, unfortunately, it does contain some grungy elements that make one think of "Hear in the Now Frontier".

But, surely, "American Soldier" is one of the better Queensrÿche albums of their post-2000 career, and as a mildly progressive alternative metal/rock album, it works fine.

(review originally posted on metalmusicarchives.com)"

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