
A Farewell To Kings 1977

56 Hard Tech Exp Prog Art Rock
added by sbrushfan
"The first Rush album not to contain a weak track, also containing some of their best and most progressive. A masterpiece, with the brilliant soundscape of Xanadu at the peak. Hard and heavy but still atmospheric, and Peart's lyrics reach new heights. Just about their best." (bartyMJ, , )
"Objectively, this probably comes off as Rush's finest hour. There are a couple of the issues I have with later Rush surfacing (vestigial bursts of music after the intense atmospheric opening of Xanadu, for instance). Still, superb." (TGM_Orb, , )
Review by Kestrel published
Tech Exp Prog Rock

"One of the best albums ever recorded. Simple as that. It features some of their best songs such as the title track and "Xanadu". The album goes from pretty ballads like to straight-out rockin' musicwhile showing off each member's skills. One of the few albums I can listen to without wanting to skip to the next song because of a boring patch. It's just an amazing piece of work."

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