
Of Darkness... 1991

3 Non-Prog Death
added by Gamemako
"A compilation from the very early years... brutal death metal from beginning to end, and only fans of that type of music will appreciate." (PowerWyrm, , )
Review by Gamemako published
Non-Prog Death

"This is the meterstick by which all terrible albums will be measured. At this time in their history, Therion were just an average death metal outfit complete with a name that is merely tribute to a black metal album. The compositions on Of Darkness... are bland and uninspired, and the production is painfully bad for we audiophiles (the bass can hardly be heard, which doesn't really matter since it's not worth hearing). I would recommend listening to this one after your favorite band releases a bad album: you can always take solace that "at least it's not Of Darkness...""

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