Porcupine Tree

Staircase Infinities EP, 1994

8 Trippy Atmospheric English Prog Space Rock/Independent
added by Mike
"A laid back and atmospheric trippy bonus to Up the Downstair, I actually find this the pinnacle of Wilson's pseudo-solo psychedelic space rock era despite the tracks not making the cut for the main album." (bartyMJ, , )
Review by Mike published
Mellow Eclectic Prog Rock

"This is a very cool and laid back album (EP). It is out of print, but it is included in the recently published re-release of Up The Downstair. I think that it's very good, but not a masterpiece, because - apart from Cloud Zero and Yellow Hedgerow Dreamscape - it is just too mellow and monotonous. A few occasional outbursts of more structured and focussed playing would have done wonders. The only uptempo track (Yellow Hedgerow Dreamscape) is also the most repetitive one."

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