Tankard Germany

Review by Time_Signature published
Humorous Non-Prog Thrash

"Thrash and beer. Beer and thrash. Together they give birth to Tankard, Germany's - hell, the world's - number one beer-guzzling gut-flabbing thrash metal band. On this their 14th album, there are not a lot of music innovations, maybe except slower tempos and more melody, but with Tankard, we don't want innovation or anything like that, we just want metal thrashing fun by musicians who know what they are doing. And metal thrashing fun is what "Vol(l)ume 14" offers. Musically, it's thrash metal - end of story. Lyrically, the songs, true to the Universe of Tankard, touch bizarre and almost surreal typics like sniping you alter ego after a time travel gone wrong, being subjected to super effective hypno-therapeutic overweight treatment,b speed metal dating, satanic brain piercings (of death!) and of course beer-guzzling. There are also the obligatory songs about social injustice, the power of the media and so on. My favorite tracks are "Time Warp", "Somewhere in Nowhere", "Condemnation" and "Brain Piercing öf Death", which I think is nothing less than a stroke of drunken genius! Cheers! Burp! (review originally posted at metalmusicarchives.com)"

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