The Psychedelic Guitar Circus (with Steve Kimock / Harvey Mandel / Freddie Roulette ) 1994
A: Awesome
Marrying For Money 1986
Eternity Blue 1995
The Five Heavenly Truths 1993
Those Who Know History Are Doomed to Repeat It 1989
Popular Science (with Sergei Kuriokhin) 1989
Devil In The Drain 1987
Tomorrow Knows Where You Live (with Jim O'Rourke) 1991
Invite The Spirit (with Charles K. Noyes / Sang-Won Park) 1984
Aloha 1981
B: Great
It's A Wonderful Life 1984
C: Good
Hope You Like Our New Direction 1991
Heart's Desire 1990
Where Endless Meets Disappearing: Solo Guitar 2009 2009
Nostalgia for Infinity 2007
Blue Water Ascent 2007
D: Decent
Wireforks (with Derek Bailey) 1995
Ice Death 1977
Protocol (with Andrea Centazzo / Toshinori Kondo) 1979
E: Mediocre
Acoustics (with Mari Kimura/Jim O'Rourke/John Oswald) 1995
F: Bad
Domo Arigato Derek-Sensei! 2006
Through (with Roberto Zorzi ) 1999
generated 2024-12-21 at
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