Puffy64 Germany

Review by Time_Signature published
Melodic Non-Prog Retro Rock/Metal

"While not perfectly, this is basically a good and, at the time of making, original idea. Puffy64 seemlessy mixes heavily distorted guitars with the C64-ish sounds reminiscent of those used in the original game. While not that well executed, the music on this album does have a certain drawing je ne sais quoi to it. There is some really nice quitar work on it in the form of solos and interesting rhythms, and the use of C64 computer sounds makes for a semi-progressive edge (but not enought to even make it prog-related) and an interesting retro ambience."

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Releases (Newest First)
Way of the Exploding Fist Single, 2003
1 Melodic Prog-Adj Retro Metal/Electronic
Lightforce Single, 2002
1 Melodic Prog-Adj Retro Power Metal/Electronic
Last Ninja II - Tribute 2002
1 Melodic Non-Prog Retro Rock/Metal
Delta Sisters Single, 2002
1 Melodic Prog Retro Power Metal/Electronic
Delta Single, 2002
1 Melodic Non-Prog Retro Industrial/Electronic
Armalyte Single, 2002
1 Atonal Prog-Adj Retro Metal/Electronic
Zak MCommando Kracken Single, 2001