Daal Italy

Review by Mike published
Daedalus 2022
Calm Symph Prog Retro Rock

"This is so calm, quiet and gentle. Too much so for my taste, the music keeps on flowing much like a river through a peaceful pastoral landscape. There's all the familiar traits of symphonic prog rock, applied professionally and predictably. Combined with the all too familiar storyline (Daedalus/Icarus), it leaves me longing for more (excitement)."

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Releases (Newest First)
Daedalus 2022
5 Calm Melodic Exp Prog Space Rock/Electronic
Navels Falling Into A Living Origami 2018
2 Complex Prog Space Rock/Electronic
Decalogue of Darkness 2018
4 Dark Heavy Exp Prog Avant Rock/Electronic
Dodecahedron 2012
3 Eclectic Prog Rock
Echoes of Falling Stars EP, 2011
1 Prog Rock
Destruktive Actions Affect Livings 2011
2 Eclectic Prog Rock