Oranssi Pazuzu Finland

Review by Time_Signature published
Abstract Prog Post Black

"If you are searching for some really weird, dark and psychedelic music, then you can of course go back and listen to the first couple of Alrune Rod albums. But perhaps you are on the lookout for something more recent, and even darker and weirder. Well, then look no more, for you have found it in the form of Oranssi Pazuzu's "Kosmonument". Drawing in part on black metal aesthetics and sludgy post-metal, Oranssi Pazuzu blatantly approach these types of metal from the perspective of psychedelic rock, which means that "Kosmonument" contains black metal screams, tremolo-picking, blastbeating, sludgy heaviness, spacey and quirky effects, a heavy 70s rock bass and loads of elements from post '68 psychedelic rock. Some tunes are more on the black metal side, such as 'Uusi olento nousee' and 'Loputon tuntematon' with their focus on blastbeating and tremolo-picking (still, you will find that the riff of the former sounds like some sort of siren, while the latter contains some almost bluesy guitar bursts), but mostly Oranssi Pazuzu draw on post-rock/metal and psychedelic rock with many tracks almost bordering on being soundscapes, or at least soundscapish. A central feature of the album is repetition, and, with the sources of the music on this release being black metal, sludge metal, post-rock/metal, psychedelic rock and other already challenging genres of rock music, "Kosmonument" is not for everyone, and it is a demanding and challenging listen, but once you get into it, you are in for quite a dark musical experience. (review originally posted at metalmusicarchives.com)"

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