"This album is marketed as a progressive metal release, whereas Silent Voices' previous output are typically characterized as power metal albums. This album is called "Reveal the Change", and it may reflect a change in musical direction - I really don't know, because I have never heard their previous releases.
Anyway, if "Reveal the Change" is progressive metal, then it is perhaps best described as progressive metal lite - or maybe just very accessible progressive metal. "Reveal the Change" is largely characterized by straightforward riffage and catchy vocal melodies. There are plenty of elements from more traditional heavy metal and hard rock, as well as some more stuff. I do not really detect a lot of power metal on this album ther than a cople of scattered power metal aesthetics every now and then. There are not that many quirks, twists and turns.
I would not say reject the "progressive" tag, however, for a number of reasons. If we ignore the very last track, it may take a couple of listens, but then the listener will probably realize that the progressive nature of this album lies in the details. Firstly, the use of keyboards is definitely akin to what you might hear in progressive metal, and seem mildly inspired by Dream Theater. Secondly, tracks are, while not epic, still considerably longer than your average rock song, and this does allow Silent Voices shape rather sophisticated compositions with elements tht should appeal to the seasoned progressive metal fan and the casual listener.
The last track 'Through My Prison Walls' is the progressive magnum opus of the album. With its 11 minutes worth of playing time, the song takes the listener out of prog lite territory into a more challenging landscape of epicness, unexpected changes, odd time signatures, advanced song dynamics and all the other good stuff that makes good progressive metal. If this last track is a sign of things to come for Silent Voices, then I am definitely going to start following this band.
In all, we are dealing with a generally quite accessible prog like album which should appeal to both more mainstream listeners and seasoned progressive metal fans. "Reveal the Change" is both accessible and sophisticated, and fans of progressive and melodic metal should defintiely check it out.
(review originally posted at metalmusicarchives.com)"
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