Nightwish Finland

Review by bardberic published , edited
Serene Symph Celtic Prog-Adj Power Metal

"The album starts of amazingly, with some of Nightwish's best work to date; then Troy is put on vocals and I'm just like "ugh." Come on, Tuomas, he's a terrible vocalist.

Mastering is a little overdone, but is forgivable, and mixing feels off, as well. I'll give 'em props for the progressive/experimental nature of the album; probably their most progressive album to date. Will require more listens to garner more appreciation here, and if not for the less than satisfactory engineering work, it'd probably be a grower. Not a fan of the synthy/80s poppish moments ("The Day of..." was a, erm, failed experiment imo).

Also what's with the repetition of "we are" in some of the songs' lyrics... lol it sounds like a Penn State advertisement.

Overall a considerable improvement over Human:||:Nature as it is much more consistent (and has more DR, I think), and in some ways better than Endless Forms Most Beautiful, as it is more ambitious (and bombastic, like their earlier work), but lacks the concise refinement that made EFMB masterful imo. Goes a little too far into left field for me, but at least it doesn't have the "kumbaya" moments of their previous album...

"An Ocean of Strange Islands" is kind of by a long shot the best song on the album and probably of Jansen-era thus far. It's not even close, how much better than the rest of the album it is. "Something Whispered Follow Me" is probably Nightwish's first dive into proper prog metal, too, and it's quite good (kind of has some Opethian vibes imo).

Upon second listen, ig my other major complaint would be that the symphonics here really sound bad, like MIDI. It doesn't feel organic like on the previous 2 albums..."

Review by bardberic published
Oceanborn 1999
Symph Power Metal

"I listened to this one a while ago; the part I remember the most about this album is that it is practically brickwalled - awful engineering and production. Perhaps I'd be more interested in this one after a remaster, like the band has done for several of their other albums. On the "Decades" compilation album, the remastered songs from Oceanborn actually sound pretty good! Now do the whole thing!"

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Releases (Newest First)
Human. :||: Nature. 2020
7 Epic Celtic Prog Metal/Classical
Decades Best of, 2018
Bye Bye Beautiful Video, 2008
End of An Era Video, 2007
Dark Passion Play 2007
10 Symph Prog Power Metal/Rock
Amaranth Video, 2007
End Of An Era Live, 2006
Wish I Had an Angel Video, 2004
Once 2004
11 Melodic Prog-Adj Power Metal
Nemo Video, 2004
End of Innocence Video, 2003
Century Child 2002
5 Symph Prog Metal
1997-2001 Best of, 2001
Oceanborn 1999
8 Romantic Symph Nordic Prog Power Metal/Speed Metal
Angels Fall First 1997
6 Symph Prog Metal