KoenjiHyakkei Japan

Review by bartyMJ published
Chaotic Prog Avant Zeuhl

"Psychotic, frenetic, hyperactive. Zeuhl, avant-garde, metal. This album is a completely exhausting freak-out, full of demented vocals in fast-paced chants and thrashy instrumentation. Not one to listen to if you’re feeling a bit anxious or have a headache already. The female vocalists in particular are classic Zeuhl style, with the rest very much RIO and often like someone has thrown a series of musical instruments down a long flight of stairs – only slightly less chaotic than Ruins. Its hard to pick out a track or two that are any better than the rest, but the longer tracks at either end are perhaps the most interesting and least violent. Its incredibly complex, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s that good."

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Releases (Newest First)
Live at Koenji High Video, 2010
070531 Video, 2008
Nivraym 2001
2 (ni) 1997
Viva Koenji 1996
3 Chaotic Prog Avant Zeuhl