Roine Stolt Sweden

Review by Mike published
Lively Melodic Prog Rock

"This is a remarkable solo album. Like The Flower King, this album obviously sounds much like the Flower Kings, as they are mainly based on Stolt's songwriting. Let me rephrase that - This album sounds like the essence of the Flower Kings. It's so full of beautiful melodies, interesting and sometimes funky rhythms, and very dynamic. Every theme is fully developed and explored here, a quality that many similar albums lack."

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Releases (Newest First)
Wall Street Voodoo 2005
7 Laid Back Groovy Prog Retro Rock/Blues
Hydrophonia 1998
5 Lively Melodic Prog Rock
The Flower King 1994
9 Uplifting Complex Prog Rock
Fantasia 1982
Fantasia 1982
2 Symph Nordic Prog Rock