The Cure United Kingdom

added by HughesJB4
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Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
S: Supreme
Pornography 1982
Join the Dots: B-Sides and Rarities, 1978–2001 (The Fiction Years) 2004
The Top 1984
Disintegration 1989
A: Awesome
The Head on the Door 1985
Faith 1981
Wish 1992
Seventeen Seconds 1980
Bloodflowers 2000
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me 1987
B: Great
Lost Wishes 1993
Half an Octopuss & Quadpus 1985
C: Good
Mixed Up 1990
Three Imaginary Boys 1979
Wild Mood Swings 1996
E: Mediocre
The Cure 2004
Five Swing Live 1997
F: Bad
4:13 Dream 2008
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Songs of a Live World: Troxy London MMXXIV Live, 2024
1 Dark Gothic Prog Alt Rock/Pop
4play Best of, 2006
The Cure 2004
Join the Dots: B-Sides and Rarities, 1978–2001 (The Fiction Years) 2004
1 Gentle Eclectic English Non-Prog Alt Rock
Greatest Hits Best of, 2001
Bloodflowers 2000
1 Cold Dynamic English Non-Prog Rock
Galore Best of, 1997
Sideshow EP, 1993
Wish 1992
2 Romantic Dense English Non-Prog Alt Rock
Mixed Up 1990
Integration Best of, 1990
Disintegration 1989
4 Ethereal Gothic English Non-Prog Post Punk/Pop
The Peel Sessions Best of, 1988
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me 1987
2 Romantic Lush English Non-Prog Post Punk/New Wave
Standing on a Beach Best of, 1986
The Head on the Door 1985
2 Bittersweet Lush English Non-Prog Post Pop/Rock
The Top 1984
1 Weird Psych English Non-Prog Avant Rock/Pop
Japanese Whispers Best of, 1983
1 Lively Melodic English Non-Prog Independent/Pop
Pornography 1982
4 Cold Gothic Neo English Non-Prog Post Punk/Independent
A Single EP, 1982
Happily Ever After Best of, 1981
Faith 1981
3 Somber Gothic English Non-Prog Post Punk
Seventeen Seconds 1980
3 Cold Gothic Neo English Non-Prog Post Punk/Psychedelia
Boys Don't Cry Best of, 1980