Riccardo Zappa Italy

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Celestion 1977
Chatka 1978
B: Great
Haermea (La Camera Incantata) 1982
C: Good
Trasparenze 1980
Il Coautore... ed Altre Rarità 2004
Patchouly & vetyver 2000
D: Decent
Riccardo Zappa interpreta Johann Sebastian Bach 1997
Definire significa limitare 1996
Fondali - Volume decimo 1993
Santo & zappa 1991
Anthakarana Swami 1990
Prenditi Tempo 1986
Minuti 1985
Riccardo Zappa 1983
E: Mediocre
Ali e Radici 2007
generated 2024-12-21 at https://awesomeprog.com
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