Toto United States

added by Mike
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Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Toto XIV 2015
Mindfields 1999
Kingdom of Desire 1993
Turn Back 1981
B: Great
Isolation 1984
Through The Looking Glass 2002
Toto 1978
Old Is New 2018
The Seventh One 1988
Hydra 1979
Falling In Between 2006
Tambu 1995
Fahrenheit 1986
C: Good
IV 1982
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Toto XIV 2015
2 Mellow Nocturnal Non-Prog AOR
Circa 1980's Compilation, 2003
Rock & Roll Band Compilation, 1999
Mindfields 1999
4 Mellow Melodic Non-Prog AOR/Blues
Livefields Live, 1999
2 Soft Melodic Prog-Adj AOR/Hard Rock
Tambu 1995
Kingdom of Desire 1993
2 Funky Prog-Adj Hard Rock/AOR
Past to Present 1977-1990 Best of, 1990
1 Calm Melodic Non-Prog AOR/Pop
Isolation 1984
Dune Soundtrack, 1984
IV 1982
Turn Back 1981
1 Non-Prog Rock
Hydra 1979
Toto 1978