"Solidly placed somewhere in between US power-thrash/speed and Euro-power metal, Theocracy are ready to tear down your entire town with their forthcoming third album "As the World Bleeds".
Drawing on the thrash tendencies of a lot of US power metal, Theocracy ensure that their album kicks ass most of the time, while the big and epic sound of Euro-power metal is utilized to make sure that the album stays melodic and catchy and, of course, epic. Thus, "As the World Bleeds" contains both thrashy and crushing riffage and catchy and epic choruses as well as extremely melodic vocal lines and loads of melodic guitar leads. In addition, Theocracy have inserted quirky and progressive elements into some of their tracks, which heightens level of interestingness to an even higher degree - just check some of the almost jazzy passages in 'The Master Storyteller'.
The album is thus quite balanced in terms of cheesiness such that even a potential cheese-bomb like "The Gift of Music" - with its 80s-TV-show-theme-like guitar leads - actually remains a joyful listen throughout, as it develops from a power ballad into a fierce power-thrasher.
The musicianship is top notch, as is the production, and the album is overall an extremely enjoyable and colorful listen. Well done, Theocracy!
(review originally posted at metalmusicarchives.com)"
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