Ten United Kingdom

Review by Time_Signature published
Awesome Non-Prog Metal/AOR

"Ten are known for their style of melodic metal meets AOR meets hard rock, and this album certainly is a quite hard rocking affair which offers catchy melodies, classic 80s metal style riffage and awesome guitar solos.

The music is marked by a touch of melancholy, which is in part attributable to Gary Hughes' voice and in part to the musical compositions themselves. Tracks like "Centre of my Universe", "Book of Secrets", "The Hourglass and the Landslide", and "Destiny" are good examples of melancholic yet hard rocking tracks which emphasize melody and accessibility. The title track falls under the same category, but is, with its use of guitar harmonies in the main riff and power metal-like elements, a notch above the rest. "Invisible" is more of a straight rocker, which is still at bit melancholic and contains a quite cool classic 80s metal chorus. The opening track "Endless Symphony" is, not surprisingly, a symphonic rock/metal track with some pretty nice metal guitar riffage and amazing guitar work.

I've read some negative reviews of this album which criticize Ten for not being inventive enough and too formulaic, but, personally, I don't think that "Stormwarning" is boring or uninteresting - although tracks like the pop-rock songs "Kingdom Come", "Love Song", "The Hourglass and the Landslide", and "The Wave" may be too commercial and soft for some metalheads (I like those songs though) - but I do agree that we are not dealing with innovative music here. And so what? It's still awesome!

On a side note, fans of Fates Warning might take interest in this album as it features Mark Zonder on drums - but don't expect progressive and complex drumming; Zonder provides solid and straight drumming, which fits Ten's style perfectly.

If you like AOR and melodic metal, then you should check out this album. Do not expect it to be innovative or groundbreaking, but expect instead solid melodic hard rock / heavy metal which is catchy and accessible but still meaningful and sophisticated.

(review originally posted on metalmusicarchives.com and in Danish on heavymetal.dk)"

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