Sigh Japan

Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Scenes from Hell 2010
Imaginary Sonicscape 2001
Shiki 2022
Hail Horror Hail 1997
B: Great
In Somniphobia 2012
Infidel Art 1995
Scorn Defeat 1993
Heir To Despair 2018
Hangman's Hymn 2007
Gallows Gallery 2005
Scenario IV: Dread Dreams 1999
Graveward 2015
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Shiki 2022
2 Aggressive Psych Japanese Prog Avant Black/Rock
Graveward 2015
Scenes from Hell 2010
4 Infernal Chaotic Prog Avant Black/Extreme Metal
Imaginary Sonicscape 2001
5 Playful Psych Extreme Prog Avant Metal/Rock
Hail Horror Hail 1997
2 Infernal Complex Prog Black Metal