Conrad Schnitzler Germany

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
S: Supreme
Conditions Of The Gas Giant 2019
Electronegativity - The Cassette Concert Series No.3 1995
A: Awesome
Zug 1973
Ballet Statique 1978
Schwarz (Eruption) 1971
Dictacon 2010
Charred Machinery 1995
Congratulacion 1987
Grun 1981
B: Great
Gelb 1981
C: Good
Blau 1974
Rot 1973
Contakt 2003
Zug - Reshaped And Remodeled 2012
Con Brio 1993
Constellations 1987
Convex 1985
Convex 1982
Control 1981
E: Mediocre
Con 3 1981
Auf dem schwarzen Kanal 1980
Con '72 1972
Blue Glow (The Cassette Concert Series No.1) 1994
00/44 1997
Electrocon 2006
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Conditions Of The Gas Giant 2019
1 Prog Electronic
Dictacon 2010
1 Prog Electronic
Contakt 2003
00/44 1997
Electronegativity - The Cassette Concert Series No.3 1995
1 Prog Electronic
Charred Machinery 1995
1 Prog Electronic
Con Brio 1993
Congratulacion 1987
1 Prog Electronic
Convex 1985
Convex 1982
Grun 1981
1 Prog Electronic
Gelb 1981
Control 1981
Con 3 1981
Ballet Statique 1978
1 Prog Electronic
Gold Best of, 1974
Blau 1974
Zug 1973
1 Prog Electronic
Rot 1973
Con '72 1972
Schwarz (Eruption) 1971
1 Prog Electronic