Supertramp United Kingdom

added by Bj-1
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
S: Supreme
Crime of The Century 1974
A: Awesome
Breakfast In America 1979
Even In The Quietest Moments 1977
B: Great
... Famous Last Words … 1982
Supertramp 1970
Brother Where You Bound 1985
Crisis? What Crisis? 1975
Indelibly Stamped 1971
C: Good
Some Things Never Change 1997
Slow Motion 2002
E: Mediocre
Free as a Bird 1987
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Is Everybody Listening? Live, 2001
1 Prog
The Very Best Of Supertramp - Volume 2 Best of, 1992
2 Prog-Adj Art Rock/Pop
The Story So Far... Video, 1991
The Very Best Of Supertramp Best of, 1990
1 Prog Rock
Classics, Volume 9 Best of, 1987
Paris Live, 1980
6 Prog Rock/Pop
Breakfast In America 1979
14 Bittersweet Lush English Prog-Adj Art Rock/Pop
Even In The Quietest Moments 1977
15 Spiritual Melodic English Prog Art Rock/Pop
Crime of The Century 1974
22 Light Melodic English Prog Art Rock/Pop