Popol Vuh

Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Letzte Tage - Letzte Nächte 1976
Hosianna Mantra 1972
Einsjäger & Siebenjäger 1974
Music From the Film "Aguirre" 1976
Letzte Tage, Letzte Nächte 1976
Nosferatu (On the Way to a Little Way) 1978
B: Great
Das Hohelied Salomos 1975
Seligpreisung 1973
Herz aus Glas 1977
Die Nacht der Seele 1979
Aguirre, The Wrath of God 1976
In den Gärten Pharaos 1971
Brüder des Schattens - Söhne des Lichts 1978
C: Good
Affenstunde 1970
Sei still, wisse ICH BIN 1981
Spirit of Peace 1985
D: Decent
Messa Di Orfeo 1999
Yoga 1976
City Raga 1995
E: Mediocre
Agape-Agape Love-Love 1984
Shepherd's Symphony 1997
generated 2024-12-21 at https://awesomeprog.com
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Releases (Newest First)
70s Progressives Best of, 2006
Nicht Hoch Im Himmel Best of, 1998
City Raga 1995
Best of Popol Vuh Best of, 1993
The Best of Popol Vuh Best of, 1989
Nosferatu (On the Way to a Little Way) 1978
2 Dark Ambient Non-Prog Raga/Krautrock
Nosferatu Soundtrack, 1978
1 Dreamy Pastoral Non-Prog Chamber Independent
Yoga 1976
Music From the Film "Aguirre" 1976
1 Ethereal Ambient Non-Prog Drone Krautrock
Letzte Tage, Letzte Nächte 1976
1 Warm Pastoral Prog Krautrock/Folk
Letzte Tage - Letzte Nächte 1976
2 Dreamy Lush Prog Art Krautrock/Independent
Einsjäger & Siebenjäger 1974
1 Prog Krautrock
Hosianna Mantra 1972
4 Peaceful Slow Prog Chamber Krautrock/Independent