Alan Parsons United Kingdom

Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Edgar Allan Poe 1976
B: Great
Eye In The Sky 1981
I Robot 1977
Try Anything Once 1993
The Turn of a Friendly Card 1980
C: Good
Gaudi 1987
Pyramid 1978
The Secret 2019
On Air 1996
Freudiana 1990
Stereotomy 1986
Ammonia Avenue 1984
D: Decent
The Sicilian Defence 2014
A Valid Path 2004
From The New World 2022
The Time Machine 1999
Vulture Culture 1985
Eve 1979
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
The Neverending Show: Live in the Netherlands Live, 2021
1 Prog Rock
The Neverending Show: Live in the Netherlands Live, 2021
1 Prog Rock
Live in Colombia Live, 2016
1 Prog Rock
Extended Versions Live, 2004
Works Best of, 2002
Anthology Best of, 2002
Eye In The Sky Compilation, 1999
On Air 1996
Freudiana 1990
The Instrumental Works Best of, 1988
Gaudi 1987
The Best of Alan Parsons Project Best of, 1983
1 Prog-Adj Rock
Eve 1979
Pyramid 1978
I Robot 1977
Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Edgar Allan Poe 1976
8 Mysterious Poetic Prog Rock/Classical