Omega Hungary

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Oratórium 2013
Time Robber 1976
200 Years After The Last War 1974
Testamentum 2020
Szimfónia & Rapszódia 2012
The Hall Of Floaters In The Sky 1975
B: Great
Omega 55: Volt Egyszer Egy Vadkelet 2017
Gammapolis 1978
Éjszakai Országút (Omega 3) 1970
Omega Rhapsody 2010
Nem Tudom a Neved (Ù6) 1974
Csillagok Útján 1978
10000 lépés (Omega 2) 1969
Omega 5 1973
Skyrover 1978
Omega III 1974
C: Good
Transcendent 1996
Trombitás Frédi és a Rettenetes Emberek 1968
Omega Red Star From Hungary 1968
D: Decent
Working 1981
E: Mediocre
Omega XI 1982
Omega 12 - A Föld Árnyékos Oldalán 1986
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Testamentum 2020
2 Spiritual Epic Prog Space Hard Rock
The Spacey Seventies Best of, 2015
The Heavy Nineties Best of, 2015
The Beaty Sixties Best of, 2015
Oratórium 2013
1 Psych Prog Space Rock
Szimfónia & Rapszódia 2012
1 Psych Prog Space Rock
Ten Thousand Paces Best of, 2011
Jubileumi koncertek Video, 2004
Szvit 1999
The best of Omega Best of, 1994
Space Best of, 1994
Highlights Best of, 1994
Heavy Best of, 1994
Happy Best of, 1994
Dream Best of, 1994
Platina 1977 - 1987 Best of, 1988
Jubileumi Koncert Live, 1983
Double Live Live, 1983
Omega XI 1982
Working 1981
Skyrover 1978
Aranyalbum 1969-1971 Best of, 1978
On Tour Best of, 1977
Time Robber 1976
1 Psych Prog Space Rock
The Hall Of Floaters In The Sky 1975
2 Symph Prog Space Hard Rock
Omega (Sampler) Best of, 1975
Omega III 1974
200 Years After The Last War 1974
2 Symph Prog Space Hard Rock
Omega 5 1973
Omega 1973
Élö Omega Live, 1972