Mike Oldfield United Kingdom

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Ommadawn 1975
Return To Ommadawn 2017
Amarok 1990
Hergest Ridge 1974
Tubular Bells 1973
Tubular Bells II 1992
Incantations 1978
B: Great
Tubular Bells 2003 2003
Q.E.2 1980
Music of the Spheres 2008
The Songs of Distant Earth 1994
Five Miles Out 1982
Crises 1983
Discovery 1984
Platinum 1979
Tubular Bells III 1998
Voyager 1996
C: Good
Man On The Rocks 2014
The Killing Fields 1984
Guitars 1999
D: Decent
Light + Shade 2005
Islands 1987
Heaven's Open 1991
Tr3s Lunas 2002
E: Mediocre
The Millenium Bell 1999
Earth Moving 1989
generated 2024-12-21 at https://awesomeprog.com
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Releases (Newest First)
Return To Ommadawn 2017
6 Epic English Prog Art Rock
Exposed Video, 2005
Elements - The Best Of Video, 2004
1 Prog Rock
DVD Collection Video, 2003
Tubular Bells II & III Live Video, 1999
1 Prog Rock
Guitars 1999
Voyager 1996
Elements: 1973-1991 Best of, 1993
Tubular Bells II 1992
6 Symph Prog Rock
Amarok 1990
10 Chaotic Celtic Prog Rock/World
Islands 1987
Shine 1986
Discovery 1984
Crises 1983
Music Wonderland Best of, 1981
Q.E.2 1980
Impressions Best of, 1980
Airborn Best of, 1980
Platinum 1979
Exposed Live, 1979
2 Symph Prog Rock/Electronic
Incantations 1978
9 Mellow Repetitive Prog Post Rock/Electronic
Mike Oldfield - Boxed Best of, 1976
Ommadawn 1975
16 Mellow Atmospheric Celtic Prog Art Rock/Folk
Hergest Ridge 1974
10 Melodic Prog Rock/Folk
Tubular Bells 1973
24 Eerie Symph Exp Prog Art Rock/Independent