Nine Inch Nails United States

Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
S: Supreme
The Downward Spiral 1994
A: Awesome
Broken EP, 1992
The Fragile 1999
Ghosts Vi: Locusts 2020
Ghosts I–IV 2008
Pretty Hate Machine 1989
B: Great
Year Zero 2007
Bad Witch 2018
Hesitation Marks 2013
C: Good
With Teeth 2005
The Slip 2008
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Ghosts Vi: Locusts 2020
1 Prog Rock
Bad Witch 2018
The Slip 2008
Ghosts I–IV 2008
3 Trippy Ambient Prog Rock/Electronic
Year Zero 2007
Beside You in Time Video, 2007
And All That Could Have Been Live, 2002
1 Dark Dissonant Non-Prog Alt Electronic/Metal
The Fragile 1999
7 Depressive Noisy Prog Alt Rock/Electronic
Closure Video, 1997
The Downward Spiral 1994
8 Hateful Dense Exp Non-Prog Alt Rock/Electronic
Broken EP, 1992
4 Dark Heavy Non-Prog Alt Industrial/Rock
Pretty Hate Machine 1989
5 Angry Mechanical Non-Prog Art Industrial/Ebm