Cassiber Germany

Review by Mike published , edited
Exp Prog Rock

"This is a strange album ... I listened to it a lot in the early 90s and had completely forgotten about it.

Well, the whole album is telling a more or less coherent story, on the borderline between spoken words (partially German) with sound effects and music. It is done in a very artsy way, very avant-garde ... it reminds me of obscure Zappa tracks like "you call this music?", which are really probing how much tolerance the audience has.

Let me quote Kevin Gilbert: "Fuck 'em all, this is art". This is a really great - yet quite short - sound collage, recommended to fans of Henry Cow, Frank Zappa and anyone with a high tolerance level ..."

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Releases (Newest First)
Collaborations Compilation, 2024
A Face We All Know 1988
2 Prog Avant RIO
Perfect Worlds 1986
1 Prog Avant RIO
Beauty and the Beast 1984
2 Prog Avant RIO
Man or Monkey 1982
2 Prog Avant RIO