Michal Urbaniak

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Cinemode 1988
Serenade For The City 1980
Urbaniak 1977
Manhattan Man 1992
Songbird 1990
Atma 1974
Super Constellation 1973
B: Great
Fusion 1974
Inactin 1971
Urbanizer 2004
Code Blue 1997
Heritage 1978
C: Good
Body English 1976
Fusion III 1975
Paratyphus B 1972
Sax Love 2005
Polish Wind 2005
I Jazz Love You 2004
UrbSymphony 2003
Some Other Blues 1994
Songs For Poland 1989
Take Good Care Of My Heart 1984
Facts Of Life (as Urbaniak Coryell Band) 1983
My One And Only Love 1981
D: Decent
Ecstasy 1978
E: Mediocre
Urbanator II 1996
Urban Express 1979
generated 2024-12-21 at https://awesomeprog.com
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Releases (Newest First)
Sax Love 2005
Urbanizer 2004
Decadence Soundtrack, 2003
Live in Holy City Live, 1997
Code Blue 1997
Jazz Legends Live, 1993
Manhattan Man 1992
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Songbird 1990
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Cinemode 1988
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Serenade For The City 1980
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Heritage 1978
Ecstasy 1978
Urbaniak 1977
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Fusion 1974
Atma 1974
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Super Constellation 1973
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
In Concert Live, 1973
Inactin 1971