John "Cougar" Mellencamp United States

added by rushfan4
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Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Scarecrow 1985
Uh-Huh 1983
The Lonesome Jubilee 1987
B: Great
Plain Spoken 2014
Orpheus Descending 2023
John Mellencamp 1998
Human Wheels 1993
American Fool 1982
Nothin' Matters and What If It Did 1980
Mr. Happy Go Lucky 1996
Life Death Love And Freedom 2008
John Cougar 1979
C: Good
Freedom's Road 2007
Trouble No More 2003
Cuttin' Heads 2001
Rough Harvest 1999
Dance Naked 1994
Whenever He Wanted 1991
Sad Clowns & Hillbillies 2017
Big Daddy 1989
A Biography 1978
Chestnut Street Incident 1976
E: Mediocre
The Kid Inside 1983
No Better Than This 2010
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Other People’s Stuff Compilation, 2018
Other People's Stuff Compilation, 2018
The Best That I Could Do Best of, 1997
1 Non-Prog Rock N Roll
Big Daddy 1989
The Lonesome Jubilee 1987
2 Conscious Non-Prog Folk Rock/Pop
Scarecrow 1985
1 Non-Prog Southern Rock
Uh-Huh 1983
1 Non-Prog Rock/Pop