John McLaughlin United Kingdom

added by Mike
Here you see how all the LPs and EPs of the artist are ranked, based on our common tier system.
A: Awesome
Thieves And Poets 2003
Liberation Times 2021
Floating Point 2008
Time Remember: John McLaughlin Plays Bill Evans 1993
Now Here This (With the 4th Dimension) 2012
The Heart Of Things 1997
B: Great
Extrapolation 1969
The Promise 1996
Devotion 1970
Belo Horizonte 1981
Electric Dreams 1979
To The One (with the 4-th Dimension) 2010
My Goals Beyond 1971
After The Rain 1995
Industrial Zen 2006
C: Good
Johnny McLaughlin - Electric Guitarist 1978
Music Spoken Here 1982
Where Fortune Smiles 1970
generated 2024-12-21 at
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Releases (Newest First)
Liberation Times 2021
2 Prog Rock/Jazz
Now Here This (With the 4th Dimension) 2012
2 Prog Rock/Jazz
Floating Point 2008
4 Prog Rock/Jazz
Trio of Doom Best of, 2007
Marbles Compilation, 2006
1 Prog Fusion
Thieves And Poets 2003
2 Prog Rock/Jazz
Montreux Concerts Best of, 2003
The Heart Of Things 1997
2 Prog Rock/Jazz
Molom - A Legend Of Mongolia (OST) Soundtrack, 1995
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
M O L O M Video, 1995
Tokyo Live Live, 1994
Time Remember: John McLaughlin Plays Bill Evans 1993
1 Prog Rock/Jazz
Devotion 1970